01-4795324 01-4790049

Entrance Preparation: Medical





MBBS in Nepal

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery): 

4 years. + 1 years compulsion internship

1. Institute of Medicine (IOM), 42 +1 seats (all scholarship)   

Question Pattern


Physics-30, Chemistry-30, Zoology-20, Botany-20



50% in Isc./ 10+2 Science (Biology Group)

Entrance Exam


 Ashwin first week



100% Entrance basis







2. BPKIHS – 100 seats

Question Pattern


physic-50, Chemistry-50, Zoology -25, Botany-25, Apptitude of Medicine + English, G.K.-50



50% in I. Sc. /10+2 science(Biology Group)

Entrance Exam


Shrawan second week



100% Entrance basic







(a) Heavily Subsidized Tuition Fee Scheme (HSTFS)


·                     Open category-1     

·                     Indigenous nationalities (Janajati)-3

·                     Hill District-4  

·                     Under –privileged women-2   

·                     Ward of BPKIHS fanculty-1

·                     Ward of BPKIHS staff-1




(b) Partially subsidized tuition fee scheme (PSTFS)


·                     Open catergory-27    

·                     Staff of BPKIHS facility-2      

·                     Indian Nationals-6  





(c) Full Tuition Fee Scheme (FIFS)


·                     Nationals of SAARC country-22      

·                     Nationals of non-SAARC country-10      





3. MOE – 150 seats

Question Pattern


Physic-30, Chemistry-30, Zoology-20, Botany -20



50% in I. Sc./ 10+2 Science (Biology Group)

Entrance Exam


Mansir / Jestha



100% Marks from Entrance + 5%from I. Sc.  + 2 Marks




4. Indian Embassy – 8 to 10 seats

Question Pattern


Physic-30, Chemistry-30,Biology-30, English -30



50% in I. Sc./ 10+2 Science (Biology Group)

Entrance Exam


Baishakh first week



100% Entrance, English marks not counted but 50% marks should be obtained.







5. Jagadamba Madan Puraskar Gauthi – 2 seats

Question Pattern


PCB-60,G.K.-10,Essay(in  Nepali)-20,Interview-10

Entrance Exam


In the month of Baishakh







6. Other Embassies 

Pakistan- 5 to 10 seats



Bangladesh- 8 seats



Japanese - Variable






7. Private Medical Colleges


·                      Manipal College of Medical science, Pokhara, K.U.(Rs.25 Lakhs)

·                     Kathmandu Medical College, Sinamangal, K.U. (Rs. 25 lakhs)

·                     College of Medical Science, Bharatpur, K.U. (Rs.25 Lakhs)

·                     UniversalMedical College, Bhairahawa, T.U. (25 Lakhs)

·                     Nepalgunj MedicalCollege, Nepalgunj, K.U. (Rs. 25 Lakhs)

·                     National Medical College, Birgunj, T.U. (Rs.21 Lakhs)

·                     Nepal Medical College, Jorpati, K.U. (Rs.25 Lakhs)

·                     JanakiMedical College, Janakpur, T.U. (Rs.21 lakhs)

·                     Nobel Medical,Biratnager, K.U. (Rs.22 Lakhs)

·                     LumbaniMedical College, Palpa,K.U. (Rs 22 Lakhs)

·                     KistMedical College, Lalitpur, T.U. ( RsLakhs)

·                     ChitwanMedical College, Chitwan, T.U. ( Rs. 25 Lakhs)


Biomedical Engineering


·                     College of Biomedical Engineering and Applied Science, Handigaun

Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery


·                     Ayurvede College, Kritipur(15 seats)  

Bachelor in Optometry in Nepal


·                     Institute of Medicine(IOM): 6 (Scholarship)

·                     KUMS

B.Sc. MIT in Nepal


   B. Sc. MIT: 3 Years

·                     Institute of Medicine (IOM), 2(Science) + 2(Health Science)

·                     BPKIHS, Dharan - 8 seats

BMLT in Nepal


BMLT: 3 Years

·                     Institute of Medicine(IOM), 2(Science) + 4(Health Science)

·                     NobelCollege,Sinamangal,Kathmandu(4 yrs.)-20 seats (Rs 6.26 Lakhs)

·                     BPKIHS,Dharan-10 seats

·                     PokharaUniversity(4 years)-10 seats

BDS in Nepal


BDS: 4 & half years + 1 Year Internship

·                     PeopleDental College- T.U. (Rs. 11 Lakhs)

·                     UniversalMedical College- T.U.(Rs.11 Lakhs)

·                     BPKIHS, Dharan (40 seats)


a. Heavily Subsidized Tuition fee Scheme(HSTFS)

     -  Open Category (5 seats)
     -  Hill District (2 seats) 
     -  Ward of BPKIHS faculty/staff (1 seats)

b. Partially Subsidized Tuition Fee Scheme (PSTFS)

     -  Open Category (1 seats)

c. Full Tuition Fee Scheme (FTFS)

     - Nationals of SAARC country (8 seats)
     - Nationals of  non-SAARC country (8 seats)



·                     M.B.Kedia Medical College, Birgunj, T.U. (Rs. 8 Lakhs)

·                     KantipurDental College, Basundhara (Rs 11 Lakhs)

Bachelor in Pharmacy in Nepal


B. Pharmacy: 4 years

The bachelor of pharmacy degree is designed to provide graduates with the core skills and knowledge required for effective delivery of pharmaceutical care and the ability to proceed to research. The degree covers the study of the chemical, physical, pharmaceutical, and pharmacological properties of medicinal substances and the application of these in the pharmacy profession. Graduates have the ability to serve the community and improve the quality of use of medicines. They also have the opportunity, as professional pharmacists, to improve the quality of life of the people they meet in the course of their work.  


Career Opportunities: Hospitals, Pharmaceutical industries, Communities, Quality Control Lab, Research and Development, Drug Administration, Academia.


1. Institute of Medicine(IOM), T.U.

·                     Maharajgunj Campus - 14 seats (7+7)
(Out of 14 seats, 7 are reserved for candidates from Health Science stream and 7 seats are for candidates from General Science stream)

·                     Schoolof Medical Science(NIST College), Kathmandu

·                     SunsariTechnical College, Sunsari


2. Kathmandu University (K.U.) - 40 seats

Question Pattern


Science-80, Math-20



50% in Isc./10+2Science/D. Pharmacy

Entrance Exam


Shrawan second week



Entrance exam and interview on merit basis.




3. Pokhara University - 30 seats



50% in I. Sc./10+2Science/D. Pharmacy

Entrance Exam


Bhadra third week



100% entrance basic




4. Purbanchal University (P.U.) 

Question Pattern


Science-50, Health-50



50% in Isc./10+2 Science/D.Pharmacy

Entrance Exam


Ashwin Second week



100% Entrance Basis






·                      Little Buddha College, Gyaneshwor,Kathmandu

·                     KarnaliCollege of Health Science,Ratopul,Kathmandu

·                     Hope Int’I College,Satdobato,Lalitpur

·                     ValleyCollege of Technical Science,Mid Baneshwor,Kathmandu

·                     AsianCollegefor Advanced Studies,Satdobato,Lalitpur

·                     Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Science,Nakhkhu,Lalitpur

·                     Shree Medical and Technical College,Bharatpur,Chitwan

Bachelor of Public Health


BPH (Bachelor of Public Health):3 years

1. Institute of Medicine(IOM), T.U. Maharajgunj Campus (5+15*)

(*Out of 20 seats,15 seats are reserved for candidates from health science stream and 5 seats are for candidates from general science stream.)

Question Pattern


science-50, Health-50

Selection Criteria


100% Entrance basis



50% in Isc./10+2 Science

Entrance Time


Ashwin first week




2.  P.U. (Purbanchal University)

·                     Nepal Institute of Health Science(NIHS,Stupa),Bauddha,Kathmandu

·                     HopeInternational College,Satdobato,Lalitpur

·                     National  Academy for Medical Science(NAMS)Baneshwor,KTM.

·                     AsianCollegefor advanced Studies,Satdobato,Lalitpur

·                     YetiHealth Science Academy,Lazimpat,Kathmandu

·                     Karnali College of Health science,Ratopul,Kathmandu.

·                     ValleyCollege of technical Science,Mid Baneshwor,Kathmandu.

·                     Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Science,Nakhkhu,Lalitpur

·                     Little Buddha College,Gayaneshwor,Kathmandu

·                     Om health Campus,Chabahil,Kathmandu

·                     Shree Medical and Technical College,Bharatpur,Chitwan

·                     OasisMedical College,Chitwam

·                     SanjeevaniNursing College,Rupandehi

·                     SaptarishiHealth Science College,Rajbiraj

·                     Unique Education Academy,Urlabari

·                     PokharaCollegeof Technology,Kaski,Pokhara

·                     Koshi Health Institute,Biratnager


3.  PokharaUniversity: (4 years) - 40 seats

·                     PokharaUniversity,Lekhnath-12,Khudi,Kaski

·                     NobelCollege,Sinamangal,Kathmandu(Rs395000)

Eligibility: I. Sc. or10+2 Science with atleast 50% marks in aggregate
                  (45%for College under PU) or Health Science Stream.

B.Sc. Nursing in Nepal


B. Sc. Nursing: 4 years

1. Institute of Medicine (IOM), TU

·                     Nursing Campus Maharaunj - 20(5+15) seats
(Out of 20 seats 5 seats are under scholarship scheme and remaining 15 seats are under partial scholarship scheme.)

·                     Collegeof Medical Science- 20 seats

·                     National Medical College- 20 seats  

Question Pattern


Physics -30, Chemistry-30,Biology-40

Selection Criteria


Entrance Examination



Candidates must have passed  Isc. Or +2 Science or equivalent with biology obtaining  at least 50% marks in aggregate.

Entrance Time


 Ashwin first week (Tentatively)




2. Kathmandu University (KU)-60 seats

·                     Dhulikhel Medical Institute, Dhulikhel - 20 Seats

·                     Scheer Memorial Medical Institute, Banepa, Kavre - 20 Seats

·                     KathmanduMedical College, Sinamangal, Kathmandu - 20 seats

·                     Collegeof Medical Science, Bharatpur, Chitwan - 20 seats

·                     ManipalMedical College, Pokhara – 20 seats

Question Pattern


Physic-50, Chemistry-50,Biology-50,English-30, Maths-10 & G.K.-10



Complete Intermediate of Science or 10+2 or equivalent
with Science,  Maths and English, as main subject should have secured not less than 50% marks in the above subjects.

Entrance Exam


2nd week of August tentatively



Entrance exam and interview on merit basis

Seat Available


20 seats for each college




3. BPKIHS, Dharan

·                     Heavily Subsidized Tuition Fees Scheme (HSTFS)
* Open category - 8    
* Dalit-1        
* Indigenous nationalities (Janajati)-1    
* Daughter of BPKIHS faculty/staff-1

·                     Partially Subsidized Tuition Fee Scheme(PSTFS)
* Open category-7

·                     Full Tuition Fee Scheme(FTFS)

Question Pattern



Entrance Exam


1st week of August Tentatively



Entrance Examination

Seat Available






4. Purbanchal University(PU)

·                     SanjeevaniNursing College, Butwal, Rupandehi - 20 seats

·                     Om Health Campus,Chabahil,Kathmandu-20 seats

·                     National Institute of Health Science(NIHS),Bouddha,Kathmandu-20 seats

·                     NationalAcademyfor Medical Science(NAMS),Purano Baneshwor,Kathmandu-20 seats

·                     Hope Int’I College,Satdobato,Lalitpur-20 seats

·                     AsianCollegefor Advance Studies, Satdobato, Lalitpur-20 seats

·                     SajeevaniNursing College

·                     Manamohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, Nakkhu, Lalitpur- 20 seats

·                     Saan Institute of Nursing, Baluwatar, Kathmandu- 20 seats

·                     ChakrabartiHabi Education Education Academy, Rajkulo Road, Thimi, Bhaktapur-20 seats

Question Pattern: Science-50, English-25, Health-25


5. Pokhara University

·                     NobelCollege,Sinamangal,Kathmandu - 20 seats